“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” -- Virginia Woolf, A Room Of One’s Own
You probably don’t realize it, but the official title of this blog is “The Archer’s Stance: Thoughts on Living Well.” I gave it that title because that’s the true mission of Archer Personal Concierge Services – to help people live well.
The definition of living well is probably a little different for everyone. However, in my family, and in my extended family on both sides, eating well is a big part of living well. We eat really well in my house and nobody ever goes hungry here. We are fortunate to have the means to ensure that there is always not just food here, but really good food. Plus, my husband loves to cook and he’s very good at it. Major bonus for me!
We recognize that others are not in the same position. In fact despite the great wealth in this country, 13 million children in the United States do not get enough to eat. There are people right here in our own community that are hungry – adults and children who go to bed without enough to eat.
Want to learn more? Jeff Bridges explains here.
This is a problem that needs a solution. While we cannot solve it all by ourselves, we can join forces with those who are working to end hunger in America, especially child hunger.
This year we decided to host a virtual “friendsgiving” for No Kid Hungry and we invite you to the table (so to speak). The best part is that because today, November 28, 2017, is #GivingTuesday, your dollar will stretch even farther with a generous match from Citibank for every dollar given up to $100,000.
We have set the goal for our friendsgiving campaign at $500. Will you help? Click here now to donate.